Wednesday, October 17, 2012


We are cruising to eat at every restaurant on State Street in Orem.

  Lunch again today with a good friend!  Initially my goal was to meet up with her about July, so not too bad finally connecting around September. I used to work with her and miss her amazing talents and cheerfulness. She now works on State Street so as I drove to pick her up for lunch, I looked for restaurant options.  Wingers was close, and I had a coupon.  Double reason.  Well, really triple reason to go there.  I explained to her about our State Street cruise.  Ironically her parents have been on a cruise to Panama and she encouraged us not to drop that dream completely.  She had also been on a recent trip to Costa Rica for her sister’s wedding, and raved about the beauty there.  You take a walk and see monkeys hanging in the trees.  Cool.  I told John about this and a few days later he e-mailed me info about a cruise to Costa Rica.  Keep the possibilities open, right?

1 comment:

Diana said...

R & I used to eat there WAY too much, when I worked at Bairds