Saturday, June 9, 2012

Pad Thai Siam

We are cruising to eat at every restaurant on State Street in Orem.

It feels like forever since we went cruising on State Street, even though it was just last week.  Tonight John chose a little Thai restaurant we had not previously visited.  It is near Macey’s and called Pad Thai Siam.  We entered and the hostess asked if we wanted a booth or a table.  We thought for a minute and then said booth.  As we followed her, we noticed that of the five booths, three were occupied and we would be the fourth.  Only one table was occupied on the other side of the restaurant.  The tables and chairs were really nice looking too.  It seems like I always choose a booth if possible and made me wonder why.  It made me wonder if other people typically choose booth’s too.  As the next three groups of people came in, two of them chose booths also. 

BTW I liked my dinner of chicken with veggies and ginger sauce. 

One unrelated but yummy note:  I went to a UVU symposium on Friday where the lunch was prepared by the UVU culinary arts students.  Talk about delicious and good looking food.  I had a lemon berry cream dessert that I am still marveling over how scrumptious it tasted.

Booth or Table???

1 comment:

Suzy said...

Booths for us too. More comfortable and snug :)